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This  page is dedicated to my ever dearest children, Adrian Red and Magenta Ysabel and to my very loving and supportive better half Norman who encouraged me to venture into this very challenging, yet very self-fulfilling tasks.  

I am not a baker though, and I have never baked anything until I reached the age of 35! :)   I'm into a corporate world where I used to do office stuffs.   Learning the art of baking has never been more interesting  and just found myself  loving it! No matter how  hectic my schedules be (being a mother of 2 and full time employee ), I always find time to bake for my family, friends and even my colleagues during special occasions or even in a simple gathering!  

Join me as I get to discover how to bake more of the yummy treats and share with you the  taste of sweet success!

Happy eating!  

                                      Riah M.

(I will be delighted to hear your feed backs and suggestions!) 


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